Welcome to the RRPictureArchives.NET contributor site of David Larrabee.
I grew up along the Bucksport Branch of the Maine Central in the 50s & 60s. My primary interest is Maine Central historical documents & photographs prior to Guilford Ownership. In Febuary 2022, I moved back to Maine from Maryland.
Primary Email: dlarrabe@yahoo.com, back up address k1bz@arrl.net
My collection is divided into two areas; contemporary digital RR photography, and old photographs of the Maine Central taken by other photographers.
The contemporary material has been taken with a succession of Canon digital cameras. I have thoroughly enjoyed exploring the American RR landscape over the past few years and look forward to meeting some of you track-side should our paths cross.
Most of the Maine Central material has been purchased on eBay or at Auction since 2005 and most likely originates from estate sales. I have focused on black & white steam era photographs taken prior to WWII although some color material from the early diesel era MEC have accumulated as well. This is just as well since the post WWII period has been quite well documented by several authors, notably Melvin, Cook, Marson, Jennison, Plant, Angier and others.
Where ever possible I have attempted to contact an author of a photograph I've posted. While many early snapshots have date and location information penciled on the backside, few indicate the name of the photographer. So if anyone recognizes the work of a particular individual please send me an email. I would like to give that person credit for his work and if possible talk to him or her.
Currently I am moving much of the digital side of my collection over to 'Digital Maine' an archive operated by the Maine State Library. This collection contains both Maine Railroad photographic and document material at full resolution. The MSL has large scanners which can capture large format maps and blueprints which rrpcitures archive not configured to include.
Lastly if anyone would like to add to the collection or have useful input and/or corrections I would be most interested your thoughts.
/Dave Larrabee - March 24th 2022 - Augusta, Maine
You may browse my collection of pictures via the menu located on the left hand side of the page. I hope you enjoy the collection and thanks for stopping by!